In a recent piano tuning service call, my customer related to me about how her Yamaha piano had been in need of a tuning for a long time. Her daughter knew it needed tuning and the thing that I detected was that they really did not realize the type of piano that was sitting there in their living room. It was a Yamaha console that to them was just an old piano that was simply an okay piano.
The first thing I explained to her was that since it had not been tuned for many years, that it was going to need at least two tunings to get the piano back in proper tune and stability. She was prepared for that bit of news. The thing she was not prepared for was what happened after the first tuning.
After the first tuning, the piano in her words were, "Wow, what a difference!"
"It sounds a whole lot better."
It was not only in tune, but there seemed to be what I call, "life" coming back to it. There was more tone than it had. There was more clarity than the family was use to hearing. But still, there was even more clarity to expect once the second tuning was completed two weeks later.
So after the second tuning, my customer realized how much potential was in her piano to becoming a very enjoyable instrument of music.
There are a lot of old pianos with a lot of life all locked up just ready to be released if only the chance for a long overdue tuning could be applied. What kind of treasures of music is sitting in your home?
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